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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

RE: Critical Drainage Areas - worth having?

Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

Critical Drainage Areas - worth having?

Do any authorities have experience of designating Critical Drainage Areas and what the implications are for decision-making?

It has been suggested to us that we should look into this designation as a means of tackling surface water drainage issues in part of the authority.  We'd like to understand the pros and cons and are struggling to find much guidance.

For example:

- How bad does the drainage have to be before the designation is considered?

- What would be the additional requirements on developers in a Critical Drainage Area?

- What is the benefit over and above normal measures for handling surface water drainage?

- How do householders feel about it?  We feel that it is a designation which could have quite an impact on property values!





Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: Critical Drainage Areas - worth having?


According to the advice we have received, it is not the role of the planning authority to designate Critical Drainage Areas.

With reference to NPPF paragraph 103, footnote 20 provides a definition of CDAs as an area "within FZ1 which has critical drainage areas (as notified to the local planning authority by the Environment Agency)".

It has been suggested to us that on this basis it is the EA who has the critical role in defining CDAs, not the local authority. We have an area that has been known as a CDA for many years, which the EA say fails to comply with this stipulation since the EA were not the notifying authority. On this basis they now say we should consult with the LLFA for FZ1 applications in this area and not the EA

So perhaps best to make sure the EA are fully on-board at the outset!