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RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority

Edmund Lee, modifié il y a 8 années.

PLanning application statistics by local authority

New Member Publications: 5 Date d'inscription: 22/05/11 Publications Récentes

Hello all,

A newbie question if I may?

I'm looking for statistics for the total number of planning applications received, by local authority, by year. I've found the Live tables on the .gov.uk site at


but the ones I've looked at all seem to aggregate the statistics at a higher level than I need (grouping by authority type or for all of England). Have I missed something? (there are a lot of tables!) I'd welcome a friendly steer.

The background is that I need to prioritise funding for research into the historic environment. Potential development presure, as indicated by number of planning applications received in each area seems like a good criteria to help prioritise this. All thoughts welcome.


John Theobald, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority (Réponse)

Enthusiast Publications: 61 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes


I think the tables refresh every quarter, thus there are no historic ones for previous years.  I find table 134 useful for a 12 month figure of applications received per LA.

Regards, John


Edmund Lee, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority

New Member Publications: 5 Date d'inscription: 22/05/11 Publications Récentes
Many thanks John - that's really helpful, and appreciated this close to the holidays.
Richard Crawley, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority

Expert Publications: 256 Date d'inscription: 07/12/11 Publications Récentes

You've described yourself as a newbie so a couple of fairly basic pointers from me

- the count of planning applications is not really a good proxy for development pressure. Planning authorities are different shapes and sizes. Cornwall, for example, receives a large number of applications because it is a huge planning authority. And, within the cornwall LPA you will have hotspots of development activity and large swathes of emptiness

The  phrase "development pressure" is worth thinking about a bit also.

There is lots of development activity when there is money to be made. Often this development is welcomed and necessary part of helping places adapt to new circumstances and opportunities. I think planners describe "pressure" as the circumstance where the market wants to do something different to the plan.

  • Development in accordance with  the plan = smiles all round
  • Development not in accordance with the plan = "development pressure"

Lastly you've said that you have an interest in the historic  environment. The best proxy for development pressure (as defined above) is appeal statistics. Unfortunately the  PINS website (which was never especially easy to use) has migrated to .gov and in the process has lost all of its useful statistics. Maybe someone else can point you to the  appeal stats for listed buildings by council, but I can't find it.


Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority

Actually I would go one step further. Applications are meant to be determned in accordance with the devlopemnt plan unless material factors determine otherwise. The development plan ( if one exists ) is meant to be up to date and in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework, it is also a statement of what the LPA in question wants. So you may have an authority where development is welcomed because of high unemployment and low economic growth and the development plan should encourage that. Alternatively you may have areas where their is high demand but little local desire to see further expansion and there the development plan may seek to be more rerstrictive. 

So when you say 'pressure' what do you mean? pressure to build because its seen as a desireable area, or pressure to build because its encouraged?

Statistics are also misleading and can be the outcome of a number of different factors, but, if you want to make some statistical assessment ' pressure ' could be partially measured by applications not determined in 8/13 weeks and/or applicaitons allowed on appeal......but that may only show a lack of resources available and/or knowledge..........this is a minefield!!!!!






Edmund Lee, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: PLanning application statistics by local authority

New Member Publications: 5 Date d'inscription: 22/05/11 Publications Récentes
Richard, Chris, many thanks for these thoughtful contributions. I do appreciate the insight into my vague notion of 'pressure' in this context!