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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

Annual Position Statements

Mike Hase, modifié il y a 5 années.

Annual Position Statements

New Member Publications: 24 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes

In order to 'fix' our 5 year housing land supply the District Council prepared an initial APS at the end of last year, but without engaging with PINS as set out in the PPG. We are contemplating going doing the formal route but am concerned that PINS are not geared up for it. I have sought a view from PINS about whether they have the resources to undertake this work but have yet to have a reply - is or has any other local planning authority contemplated this route and got anywhere with PINS ?


On a related matter it has been suggested that the following Para from the NPPG and in particular the line I have highlighted in bold suggests that you can only prepare one if you've got a five year supply agreed at an EIP and then one prepared annually thereafter - in our case our EIP was in May 2017, and we adopted in Dec 2017. I would welcome views on whether, because we had not prepared an APS in accordance with the guidance in April 2018 (pre-NPPG advice)  we are excluded from preparing one for 2019 because of the advice below. To me it seems a bit perverse that we can't !

How can local authorities demonstrate that they have a confirmed 5 year land supply as part of the plan examination?

The National Planning Policy Framework gives local planning authorities the opportunity to demonstrate a confirmed 5 year supply of specific deliverable housing sites. This needs to be done initially through the plan examination process, and may then be refreshed annually following adoption (provided the plan remains up to date), through the preparation of an Annual Position Statement. In both these circumstances, it will only be possible to establish a confirmed 5 year supply if an appropriate buffer has been applied and the authority’s assessment of its supply has been tested sufficiently through the examination or Annual Position Statement processes.


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