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Permission in principle and developer guidelines for allocated sites

Liz Payne, modifié il y a 7 années.

Permission in principle and developer guidelines for allocated sites

New Member Publications: 8 Date d'inscription: 10/11/14 Publications Récentes


I've seen a couple of other posts about permission in principle and wondered if anyone had any views on how they imagained these might impact on how allocations in a Local Plan are presented.

We're about to consult on our draft Local Plan and one of the next pieces of work to do will be to draft developer guidelines for each of the allocated sites. In previous plans we have done this by presenting the guidelines under the map for each site. They have specified the infrastructure requirements to bring the site forward and other site specific issues, such as whether a particular access point should be used or if any features of interest which should be retained or protected. If there is an expectation to grant these sites permission in principle then presuambly these guidelines would be our opportunity to set the parameters for a technical details consent. So should these be set within a policy for each site?

Also, how many guidelines would be reasonable to set the parameters? If we continue with the approach we have previously used (raising only the main issues) than it would seem that most of our allocated sites would come forward meeting only the very basic criteria while our local plan, full of policies striving for additional gains, would sit by redundent. The alternative would be to do an analysis of our local plan policies for each site but that seems a bit heavy handed and possibly too prescriptive?

It'd be good to hear anyone else's thoughts on this,



James Campbell, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Permission in principle and developer guidelines for allocated sites

New Member Publications: 13 Date d'inscription: 21/10/11 Publications Récentes

Hi Liz,

This is an interesting area.  I was involved with the Brownfield Registers pilot programme earlier this year as my authority was asked to join the pilot.  One of the ideas is that sites on the register will get PIP.  There were a number of questions about how that would work but we got the impression that Councils would be able to choose whether sites got PIP or not and the implication was that this would apply for PIP whatever source the site came from.  My point is that I think it may be possible for us to decide which of our allocations are to get PIP.  I think this makes sense as it is unlikely to be appropriate for very large sites.  On the question of what to put in the policy I would have thought that saying something along the lines of 'Technical details will have to ensure that they satisfy relevant policies' should be sufficient to ensure DM policies etc are addressed.  I think there are still too many questions about how PIP is expected to work for us to come to anything like conclusions at the moment.  If we can choose what allocations get PIP I think we may only apply it to a very small number of our draft allocations, simply because many are on their way to getting planning applications aproved so we wouldn't want to disrupt that process.