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RE: Land for Custom Build Housing

Lorraine Francis, modifié il y a 7 années.

Land for Custom Build Housing

New Member Publications: 9 Date d'inscription: 07/05/15 Publications Récentes

Has anyone had any experience with developers providing land for custom build housing as part of their development?

This is a first for us and we are trying to tie down the terms of the S106 that requires them to make the plots available. Their submitted heads of terms are that the Council would be required to take on the plots (at a cost per plot covering the infrastructure and services provided), which concerns me as we have no guarantee that a custom builder will want to take those plots.

Has anyone had any exprience in dealing with this? The guidance is limited and information I have found on other LPA's websites relates to land that appears to already have been under the ownership of the LPA to start with.

Many thanks!

Simon Thornley, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Land for Custom Build Housing


we have a local plan policy (the "Teignbridge Rule") which requires developers to provide custom build plots on sites.  We have followed this up with an SPD to give more detail and background.  The basis of the advice is that the developers themselves do the servicing and sales, but there is a backstop of offering the plots to us. is a good place to start - if you want to take anything further then get in touch simon.thornley@


James Campbell, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Land for Custom Build Housing

New Member Publications: 13 Date d'inscription: 21/10/11 Publications Récentes
Did you look at how the LP policy or SPD would affect viability?  I'm hoping the answer is yes and that it has limited to no impact.