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RE: Policies Maps at Reg 19 stage

Former Member, modifié il y a 7 années.

Policies Maps at Reg 19 stage

My question relates to what needs to be published in terms of Maps with the Publication version of the local plan.


There seem to be two possible approaches:

- either when we publish the submission version of the plan (Reg 19) for consultation we also publish a full set of Policies Maps which will include adopted allocations / designations from other DPDs (which are already on the adopted policies map) to which we add those proposed in the Reg 19 plan,

- or it is sufficient to show the changes to the policies map as a result of the Reg 19 plan (what would be added to the Policies Map, what would come out).


This has implications for work programming / timing.


Former Member, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Policies Maps at Reg 19 stage

Hi Aude,

We go for the second option. The regs are clear that a "submission policies map ... shows how the adopted policies map would be amended by the accompanying the local plan, if it were adopted". So it needs to show what would be changed/added/deleted.
