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RE: Failure to have 5 year housing land supply

Richard Mulholland, modifié il y a 7 années.

Failure to have 5 year housing land supply

Enthusiast Publications: 35 Date d'inscription: 19/09/14 Publications Récentes

If an Authority makes public it has a substantially low housing land supply e.g. <2yrs; will an interim housing policy produced by that Authority at the time of acknowledgement of low supply remove it from the NPPF consideration that the DP is out of date.

Nicholas Whitsun-Jones, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Failure to have 5 year housing land supply

New Member Publications: 5 Date d'inscription: 14/12/16 Publications Récentes
I don't see how, particularly when the LPA is failing so significantly.  Look at what para 49 NPPF says.  "[R]elevant policies" are deemed out of date if no 5 year supply.  And what is the status of this interim housing policy?  Is it a development plan document?  What steps did it go through prior to adoption?  The interim policy might help to show what the LPA is doing about the failure (see what the Court of Appeal said in Suffolk Coastal about this on the question of weight to be given to out of date policies, including how short of the target and what is being done about it) but this is still a significant failure.
Former Member, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Failure to have 5 year housing land supply

This is the definitive case law on the issue of the role of plans, DPD's and SPD's. An interim plan has little or no weight  because it hasnt been through the same process a Local Plan or DPD.
Nicholas Whitsun-Jones, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Failure to have 5 year housing land supply (Réponse)

New Member Publications: 5 Date d'inscription: 14/12/16 Publications Récentes
Richard Mulholland, modifié il y a 7 années.

RE: Failure to have 5 year housing land supply

Enthusiast Publications: 35 Date d'inscription: 19/09/14 Publications Récentes

Thank you both for your replies.

Your comments are as I expected.