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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

self and custom build Local Plans Masterclass

Mary Elkington, modifié il y a 3 années.

self and custom build Local Plans Masterclass

New Member Publications: 23 Date d'inscription: 14/11/14 Publications Récentes


The MHCLG-funded Right to Build Task Force runs local authority introductory sessions and also provide project-specific support for local authorities.  Next Thursday (17 June) we are running a Local Plans for Self and Custom Build Masterclass.  If you're looking at self build evidence or policies you may find this of interest.  Attached flyer provides details, and you can book at :

The event is free to attendees (use code localgov​​​​​​​).

This is the first time we've run a topical masterclass but if it's a success we'll be looking at other sessions in the autumn around eg, viability, decision making, design codes, community-led housing etc.
