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Dissertation Research into Planning Obligations System - Can you Help??

Former Member, modifié il y a 15 années.

Dissertation Research into Planning Obligations System - Can you Help??

Dear Forum Users, I am an undergraduate student at Kingston University studying a BSc (Hons) in Property Planning and Development. I have chosen to research development charging and in particular the s.106 system for my dissertation and am looking to survey a range of Local Authorities in England as to their operation of the planning obligations system. I have created a short questionnaire of about 20 questions covering a range of issues. If you are in Local Authority Planning and would be willing to assist in my research, please download the attached questionnaire and, once completed, email to I appreciate the burdensome workloads planning officers are under but would be extremely grateful of any responses. If you require any further information about the research or dissertation, please email me and I would be happy to provide any further information. I am hoping the research will provide quite an interesting insight into the current planning obligations system, whilst identifying best practices which could be carried forward into the future. I would also be happy to send a completed copy of the dissertation to any questionnaire respondents should they wish. Many thanks in anticipation, Regards Billy Clements Student, Kingston University