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Re: Changing Rooms?

Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Changing Rooms?

Hi, I'm just a member of the public, so please excuse my ignorance. But, I've come across a local development that includes a 'Changing Room Contribution' of £175,000 to be spent 'within 10 miles of the development'. This doesn't strike me as a planning matter directly related to the development (of 114 homes). Does anybody have examples they could share of similar obligations? Or, advice on how I could go about questioning this contribution, which I can't help thinking would be better spent elsewhere. Thanks for any advice. Ben
Andrew Chalmers, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: Changing Rooms?

Advocate Publications: 170 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes
Don't worry, plenty of ignorance about in planning at present - from the very top down! I'm no expert in S106 matters but planning used to be based largely on evidence so start by asking the relevant LA for details of its policy and possibly supplementary planning guidance which should provide more exact detail of how the contribution will be calculated. These presumably would also justify the 10 mile radius. This should enable you to at least understand the approach and consider the robustness of the council's evidence in justifying taking contributions. I'm not sure from your request whether this is a one-off, so it might be worth checking whether there are other housing schemes that have contributed in a similar way? There are key national tests planning tests for planning obligations and for community infrastructure levy in Circular 05/05 and CIL regulations - you can get an overview from and there is plenty on the web. Hope this is a start.
Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: Changing Rooms?

Ben, As Andrew says there are tests that planning contributions must adhere too and the contributions should be backed by local evidence. Its not scientific however and it may reasonably be said that as a result of the increased population caused by the development, pressure on already at capacity infrastructure is increased - therefore a contribution is necessary. Also there maybe evidence showing that playing pitches and changing rooms are at capacity nearest the development and people may have to travel up to 10 miles to get a pitch.