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Change to Class B extensions to roof

Chris Dowell, modifié il y a 10 années.

Change to Class B extensions to roof

New Member Publications: 9 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes


I have been looking at the Amendment and Consequential Provisions Order that comes in April 6th SI2014 No. 564.

I am being asked for an interpretation of what is meant by the changes to class B. Does this mean that a roof extension could now extending into an existing extension or am I missing something.

We have enquiries currently being looked on this basis and I am confused about the response I should be giving. I have attached an example that may help explain what I mean



Pièces jointes:

Mary-Ann Jones, modifié il y a 10 années.

Change to Class B extensions to roof

New Member Publications: 3 Date d'inscription: 21/01/12 Publications Récentes

I agree the guidance seems to have created even more confusion as to what constitutes a roof extension under Class B, or an extension under Class A of the GDPO.

The guidance does appear very ambiguous.  As I understand it previously, the regs stated, under B.2 (b)A dormer window shall be constructed so that - , the edge of the enlargement closest to the eaves of the original roof shall, so far as practicable, be not less than 20 cm from the eaves, measured along the roof slope from the outside edge of the eaves. The result of which appeared to suggest that dormer windows that tied into two storey extensions and projected further than the original eaves line, were not permitted development.

However the amended section B.2(bb) has added a further note which states the above and also adds B.2 (aa)(ii) and, other than in the case of an enlargement which joins the original roof to the roof of a rear or side extension, no part of the enlargement extends beyond the outside face of any external wall of the original dwellinghouse.  This seems to suggest that in the case of an existing two storey extension, the dormer may be extended over it, thus now being class as permitted development.

If so, surely this would not only be a roof extension but also an extension under Class A, given it links to the rear extension.  The drawing attached shows a very large roof extension, which over balances the roof slope of the property.  Surely this is not the aim of the legislation?

I guess this also begs the question can the extension be considered under both Class A and B of the regs?

I too would like to know if anyone had any further thought on the matter.

