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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

Neighbourhood Planning Conundrum for LPAs?

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Neighbourhood Planning Conundrum for LPAs?

FACT 1: The new planning system assumes a precedence of plans that requires neighbourhood plans to be general conformity with the strategic elements of Local Plans. FACT 2: Local Planning Authorities are now considering how to prepare Local Plans, which will take time to deliver (although adopted DPDs that are not in conflict with the NPPF carry full weight until March 2013). FACT 3: Neighbourhood Plans can now also be prepared (from 6th April 2012). CONUNDRUM: Should a large number of requests for neighbourhood plans be made, and as LPAs are required to provide assistance, it is likely that Local Plan preparation will be delayed as resources are redirected, potentially resulting in a number of neighbourhood plans being adopted before the Local Plan. QUESTION: If the Local Plan subsequently identifies a different level and/or distribution of growth to that reflected in the adopted neighbourhood plans, will the neighbourhood plans have to then be reviewed or amended, or will the (recently adopted) neighbourhood plans be considered to have significant weight meaning the Local Plan will have to take these into consideration in setting the strategic overview for the area? COMMENT: If the answer is that the neighbourhood plans would carry significant weight in this scenario (and in the spirit of localism, that has to be the case I would have thought?), then LPAs could find themselves in a very difficult position both in terms of trying to resource plan making and also in reconciling the different plans (while at the same time demonstrating the duty to co-operate with neighbouring authorities) to determine a strategy for their area. Views?