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Water Cycle Studies and Surface Water Management Plans

andrew waterhouse, modifié il y a 15 années.

Water Cycle Studies and Surface Water Management Plans

New Member Publications: 6 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes
We have recently commissioned a Water Cycle Study to cover the Scoping and Outline stages as part of the Evidence base for our Core Strategy. This will advise whether further work in the form of a Detailed study will be needed. Last years Practice Guide to PPS25 (which supercedes the Companion Guide) also offers advice on Surface Water Management Plans. Para 5.35 states that SWMP's should inform the preparation of Core Strategy DPD's and that CS's should 'in this way' include appropriate policies on flooding and surface water drainage. It then states that Core Strategies may be found unsound if flooding and drainage issues have not been properly addressed. Whilst the para acknowledges that SWMP's do not form part of the statutory spatial planning system, they have important links with it. Does anyone have any views, advice or experience on whether a SWMP is needed to ensure a Sound Core Strategy and/or in what sort of situations this might be expected. Our drainage engineers believe that one is needed and are looking into carrying one out - which suggests we may well need one to inform our Core Strategy. problem is that the timescales involved in producing a SWMP will blow our CS timescales to the four winds.
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Water Cycle Studies and Surface Water Management Plans

I am project lead for a group of authorities in south essex who are looking to commission a Water Cycle Study and a review of our current SFRA, one of the delivery outputs of which has been suggested could be a SWMP. But that is just it. It is a multi-agency mechanism for coordinating the management of surface water drainage in an area. It does not have to examine in detail what the issues are what propsects there are for finding a resolution - this is the task of the Water Cycle Study - the Outline Stage of which should be enough to inform your Core Strategy. The latter cannot do everything - and I would not interpret PPS25 in suggesting that this is what is implied. You should be able to address flooding and drainage issues without doing a full SWMP before CS is submitted. It will need to contain policies that help tackle the strategic issues and this may prompt, or even suggest that a SWMP is a way of assisting in this process. It could be that the policy states that one should be developed and regularly reviewed by the LPA and relevant agencies to manage drainage in Derby. Your engineers will say one is needed - because it will provide certainty over what measures need to be taken, in what order and by when. For the Core Strategy however, we must ask ourselves how detailed must it be - and what can be left to another layer of policy, or implementation.
Former Member, modifié il y a 14 années.

Re: Water Cycle Studies and Surface Water Management Plans

A link to our Water Cycle Study scoping Report is attached for those that may be interested: