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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Re: Revocation of RSS - plan period start date

Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Revocation of RSS - plan period start date

The RSS for my region had a plan period start date of 2001 which was reflected in the Core Strategy housing requirement calculations. Now the RSS has been revoked are there any reasons why the Core Strategy housing requirement calculations can not start from a different date? For example, the end of the Local Plan plan period or the Core Strategy adoption date could be used instead. Any thoughts welcomed.
Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: Revocation of RSS - plan period start date

The Core Strategy has to plan for 15 years from the point of adoption, so in the absence of a plan period from the RSS, work out when your core strategy is likely to be adopted (!) and work forwards from there.