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Re: SA Scoping Report Changes

Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

SA Scoping Report Changes

Has there been any examples of SA Scoping Reports being reviewed in light of the revocation of the RSS. The Plan Making Manual suggests that Scoping Reports should be reviewed regularly and an addendum to the Scoping Report should be considered where there have been significant changes to the basline, or where the policy context or evidence base has substantially changed since the original report was published. I can only substantiate that since 2/3 of Core Strategies have yet to be adopted, this potentially leaves a large number facing the prospect of more SA Scoping reviews...
Former Member, modifié il y a 13 années.

Re: SA Scoping Report Changes

I would not think that the scope of your SA changes signfiicantly as a result of the RSS being revoked. Even if changes are necessary it does not necessarily mean you have to re-consult on your scoping report as you effectively copy and paste everything from your scoping report into your SA report in terms of baseline information and plans and programmes - you can therefore just incorporate the changes in your SA report which will be consulted upon when you consult on whatever DPD you are preparing. The main change I would envisage as a result of the revocation of the RSSs is the removal of the South East Plan from the plans and programmes section. Any other changes will depend on how your baseline section has been written and what assumptions have been made, for example if you've assumed that the RSS housing figures will be used you should alter that. Even if you have used evidence from the RSS in your Scoping Report, the evidence is still valid, it is just the policies which are not.