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Re: Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

Has anyone been giving thought to what approach your Council will take to identifying non-strategic housing sites following the introduction of neighbourhood plans? We are currently preparing a Core Strategy that will identify a small number of strategic locations that will deliver the majority of our planned housing, leaving a residual amount of housing to be provided on non-strategic sites. Our original intention was to identify the non-strategic housing sites in a Site Allocations DPD. However, I am now thinking that maybe non-strategic allocations could be left for neighbourhood plans. If we were to adopt the latter approach, how much flexibility should the Core Strategy provide in terms of the amount of housing to be planned in different settlements? There seems to be a difficult balance between allowing some flexibility for local neighbourhood plans, whilst also giving an Inspector sufficient confidence that we will deliver sufficient housing through non-strategic provision. I’d be interested to hear how any other Councils are approaching this issue.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

Robert We have identified an appropriate range for each village in our Core Strategy - to be achieved either via a Site Allocations DPD or via Neighbourhood Plans - the latter dependent on the intentions of individual Parish Councils.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

Roger, Sounds like a sensible respond to a question facing many rural districts. I'm keen to find out more about your approach. Has it been found sound by the inspector? I assume that the total of all the minimum figues equals the residual of your housing requirement? I'd also be interested in your monitoring arrangements, would you happy if the maximum came forward in each village? Regards,
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

John, you may also wish to look at the Mole Valley Neighbourhood Plan 'frontrunner' at Bookham, which is on our website The plan will look to identify specific sites. They have not reached examination, but I think it is worth a look. Neighbourhood Plans will be part of your toolkit for delivery, alongside your Local Plan documents.
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Housing Provision and Neighbourhood Plans

John, Rother DC is at Pre-submission stage, consultation taking place now. Mid-range of figures equals housing requirement - thus allowing for some flexibility above and below, depending on individual circumstances.