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Re: Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 12 années.

Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes
I wondered if anyone had been succesful in including a windfall allowance in the first 10 years of a housing supply? PPS 3 says that you should not do so unless you can provide robust evidence of genuine local circumstances that prevent specific sites being identified. In this case allowances should be realistic, having regard to SHLAAs, historic windfall delivery rates and expected future trends. Many urban areas probably have local circumstances and trends where sites unexpectedly become available. The definition of windfalls in PPS3 is sites which haven't been specifically identified as available in the Local Plan and comprise previously developed sites that have unexpectedly become available. I'd say there could be a lot of evidence to justify windfalls in the forst 10 years at the moment with the drive for growth, regeneration and housing?
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

I think this is a really good point about the use of the SHLAA. Are people regularly getting sites coming forward that are not identified in their SHLAA? Is the South Tyneside 'model' of going down to a single dwelling something which is commonly done? My gut reaction is that, the greater the detail of the SHLAA, presumably the fewer number of windfalls you should expect. There can always be the surprise closure, or hitherto unrealised conversion potential, but am I right in thinking SHLAAs are picking up most potential sites?
Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes
Thanks Andrea and Adam. We have a threshold of 10 dwellings or more for SHLAA sites mainly for reasons of keeping the assessments managable and because you could 'potentially' include absolutely loads of sites that could deliver 1-5 dwellings. We had a big Inquiry a while back where on land supply the statement of common ground agreed that a small site assumption could be included for all SS with permission -10%. However we still get a lot of small sites coming forward and caertainly more than this would allow us to include. I think Andrea that your approach to use a notional allowance is probably going to attract less challengability. What do people think about using the growth agenda as evidence for unplanned sites - Right to Build? possible relaxation of COU to resi, presumption in favour etc? Surely these all lead to an expectation that unplanned and unknown development could come forward?
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

Thanks Andrea, I think that's great advice. I certainly remember doing a very comprehensive UCS back in my first job, I'm just glad it was summer when we did it :-) Is it ok to maybe give you a call some time soon to have a quick chat? Thanks
Adam Reddish, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Windfall Allowance in First 10 Years

New Member Publications: 10 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes
In response to the original question, I notice that Portsmouth have just adopted their Core Strategy earlier this month which addresses the issue of windfall allowances. This DPD makes provision for windfall supply (at a rate of a hundred homes per annum) spanning the entirety of their plan period. Obviously exceptional circumstances were put forward by the local authority in making their case to the Inspector, but I won't go into them here as i'm sure those familiar with the geography of the area will understand that opportunities to strategically expand Portsmouth are heavily influenced (and constrained) by the surrounding water!