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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Re: Allocation of Gypsy and Traveller sites

Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Allocation of Gypsy and Traveller sites

We are at the stage of considering allocations fo housing, employment and G and Ts. Two sites have been suggested by owners and we are nearing the end of a wider public consultation. Not unexpectedly people have raised a number of concerns but specifically stating that we do not need to allocate sites but could rely on a criteria based policy as our required figures of 15 are low and we have no significant history of unauthorised sites. Our interpretation is that to demonstrate a 5-year supply of G and T we need to allocate but does any one have any comments, views, advice?
Former Member, modifié il y a 12 années.

Re: Allocation of Gypsy and Traveller sites

Andrew Three issues Firstly if the sites are suitable and deliverable then is there a good planning reason not to allocate them? - there is no presumption against allocation of suitable sites in either the new or old policy regimes. Secondly - we know how successful failing to allocate sites has been don't we. The EU Human Rights commissioner has scolded the government on this today. The last government wished to see many more allocations through the circular but the draft PPS likely to incorporated into the NPPF retains the same approach by requiring allocations to meet 'objectively identified need', Indeed if it relied on windfalls only for G&Ts then it could face a successful legal challenge on human rights/equalities act grounds. Thirdly 15 sounds low - the EEP sets out a requirement of 62 pitches by 2011 - & the Essex districts seem to have refused to publish the district level recommendations from the most up to date GTAA -although I understand the figure was 25 pitches for Uttlesford (which the East of England Panel did) - and that is without considering any 'duty to cooperate' requirement to take on a share of unauthorised pitches from Basildon and Epping Forest. So I presume their has been consent for 10 pitches since then. From the anticipated date of adoption you need to show 10 years of supply on top of that from compounded growth of new households from the existing stock . Of course as the duty to cooperate is a legal requirement any plan failing in that regard, and councils in Suffolk and Essex have not cooperated they have fought like rats in a sack on this issue - it is unlikely that any non compliant plan would get to examination - it would be stopped by the inspector at the opening hearing. As the caravan count 2011 for Uttlesford is 17 (which appears not to account for unauthorised sites and so is probably an underestimate), allowing for the accepted 3% growth/annum that is 25 pitches over 10 years so that is 25+25-10=40 pitches. I think inspectors would universally say 40 pitches requires allocations to be deliverable. I am able to provide specialist advice and site assessments on this issue if needed.