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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

(Annual) Monitoring Reports

Former Member, modifié il y a 11 années.

(Annual) Monitoring Reports

The Localism Act and subsequent Planning Regulations 2012 have made LPAs have relaxed some of the requirements on monitoring, but we still need to publish a report at least annually. My question is what date does an (annual) monitoring report have to be published by? We used to publish in December the AMR for the previous monitoring year ready to submit to the Government office.
Former Member, modifié il y a 11 années.

Re: (Annual) Monitoring Reports

I agree with Andrea, there is no set date. We are planning to publish ours late November/early December to coincide with a report to Committee seeking authority to submit our Joint Core Strategy. I am more concerned about the integrity of Annual Monitoring Reports and the role they should have as the prime vehicle for reporting on the progress on plan making and plan implementation when the government seems to be suggesting that Councils should not delay publishing data/information, but should made material available as soon as possible.
Former Member, modifié il y a 11 années.

Re: (Annual) Monitoring Reports

Thanks for the responses. I think this confirms we have somebreathing space to report early next year. I couldn't agree more on the points made regarding capacity and importance of monitoring for plan making/implementation.