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Re: Whole Plan Viability

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Whole Plan Viability

Me and my team are currently in the process of finalising our Regulation 19 Core Strategy ready for consultation in Sept. Our Core Strategy in addition to provided strategic policies also seeks to allocate two strategic sites a large regeneration site of which only part is anticipated to be delivered during the plan period and a sustainable urban extension which is intended to be delivered fully within the plan period. We already have an up to date Affordable Housing Viability Assessment (2012), SHMA (2013), SHLAA (2013) and Infrastructure Plan (2013) and are now considering how to bring them all together in a Whole Plan Viability Assessment. So I was wondering if any one has any good examples of viability reports prepared in house or good examples of tender documents for whole plan viability studies that they would be willing to share. It might also be worth noting that presently we are not pursuing a CIL. I was also wondering if such a document should be published alongside the Regulation 19 draft or if we should wait till after the consultation and just publish a position statement on viability in addition to the several topics based Background Evidence Papers we are currently working. Thoughts on this and examples of best practice not only welcomed but actively encouraged, thank you. Kirsty
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Whole Plan Viability

Please note I no longer work for Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council I have made several phone calls to LGA and PAS to change the Council I work for or remove but still nothing.
Daniel Hudson, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Whole Plan Viability

Advocate Publications: 121 Date d'inscription: 25/04/12 Publications Récentes
Hi Kirsty We've recently completed a plan wide viability study and have nearly completed independent examination of our land allocations. I'd be happy to share experiences. If you drop me an e-mail at and I can send you some of the documentation.
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Whole Plan Viability

My team is also preparing a plan-wide viability study at present. Does anyone have any up-to-date information on (or can point me in the direction of) the likely cost of Code for Sustainable Homes (per m2) for water and energy (at levels 4, 5 and 6)? Many thanks, Adam (
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Whole Plan Viability

Hi Andy

It may be a little late now, but the open government consultation on technical housing standards has some details of cost:

This may result in the removing of LA's ability to set localised energy standards. Additionally, several local authorities carried out their own independent investigation on the cost of meeting Code:


Hope this helps,


Kieran Highman

Project Manager


Centre for Sustainable Energy

3 St Peter's Court, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ

0117 934 1436 (direct)