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The necessity to send a set of stamped plans when issuing the decision noti

John Theobald, modifié il y a 17 années.

The necessity to send a set of stamped plans when issuing the Decision Noti

Enthusiast Publications: 61 Date d'inscription: 19/10/11 Publications Récentes
I have been asked to look into the necessity to send a set of stamped plans with the despatched Decision Notice. We currently send out a set of relevant stamped-up plans with every despatched decision to the agent/applicant. As the appropriate plans are already referred to in the Decision Notice footnote, I wonder if we have to send the plans as well. It would save paper and administrative time if we didn't. Can anyone advise if it is necessary to enclose a set of the relevant drawings out with the Decision Notice? Regards, John
Former Member, modifié il y a 17 années.

The necessity to send a set of stamped plans when issuing the decision noti

At LB Camden, as far as I'm aware they've never sent a set of plans out with DN's. They've always carefully listed the plan No's on the DN and this has been their practice for over 20 yrs if not longer. I was most surprised when I first starting working for them 9 yrs ago having worked in 4 other LPA's where plans were always sent out. However there has never been any challange to this and in Camden where the residents are so articulate and wealthy they never hesitate to opt for High Court action I'm sure a case would have been brought if we had erred somewhere. Furthermore in my line of work I often brief barrsiters for PI's and it has never been a problem with them when I explain Camden's practice. Not that that makes it "right"! Anyway I hope that helps. regards Diane