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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Displaying plans, photos, video etc. at committee

Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Displaying plans, photos, video etc. at committee

Can anybody give me details of methods of display being used during DC committee? I am particularly interested to know if any authority is using video in place of photos or even site visits and how this is being done. Also, is any authority insisting on the submission of 3D modelling for major or significant applications where this would enhance the committees understanding the design and impact issues - even where the applicant does not normally use such software?
Former Member, modifié il y a 16 années.

Displaying plans, photos, video etc. at committee

Oldham MBC use their website to output files for Planning Committee agenda (photos, PDFs etc). The ACOLNET webpages take data from the back office Plantech system and displays a thumbnail image from the in-built document management system. Officers can control which images and tags are displayed when a case is put onto the agenda. Members and the public can view the images at Committee on the large screen (or remotely if required). See
Former Member, modifié il y a 15 années.

Re: Displaying plans, photos, video etc. at committee

Mole Valley provides links to all relevant planning documents in the DC Committee Meeeting Index. On the day of the meeting, all relevant plans & photos are displayed on wall boards and are included in the PowerPoint presentation made to the Committee by the Planning Officers. The DC Committe meeting can also be viewed in real time on our website at Adrian Coulman - Planning IT Technician