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Counting completions when calculating 5 year housing land supply

Nikki Webb, modifié il y a 2 années.

Counting completions when calculating 5 year housing land supply

New Member Publications: 4 Date d'inscription: 08/04/22 Publications Récentes


I have a query about the Housing Supply and Delivery guidance. This guidance clearly says that 'Local planning authorities will need to count housing provided for older people, including residential institutions in Use Class C2, as part of their housing land supply.'  I have applied the ratio for a number of care homes sites in our area and included them in our five year supply figure. Once complete, it would be logical to assume that these schemes are included in the completion figures when next calculating five year housing land supply. However, the same guidance (para 29) states that  'For the purposes of calculating 5 year land supply, housing completions include new build dwellings, conversions, changes of use and demolitions and redevelopments. Completions should be net figures, so should offset any demolitions.' It does not mention communal accommodation. Does this mean that they cannot be included when calculating five year supply or is this just another inconsistency?  I'm probably over thinking this but just wanted to know what other peoples' take was on this piece of guidance.  Thank you.


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