LG Inform Plus - Reports

Créé par:  thumbnail Kate Cooper
Dernière mise à jour: 02 août 2023

Reports on the demography, performance and makeup of areas such as wards, councils, health areas and parliamentary constituencies.

LG Inform Plus Reports form part of the LG Inform Plus suite of online services provided by the LGA. Reports on 'basic facts' about any area, such as a local authority broken down by ward, are available to everyone. People from subscribing councils can see more reports authored by the LGA, including ones on population profiles, households/housing, employment/economic activity, and health and wellbeing. Subscribers can also create and share their own reports, which they may choose to embed in their own websites.

Reports draw on more than two billion metric values drawn from 280+ open sources from 50 publishing organisations. They cover many types of area including wards, small statistical areas (LSOAs and MSOAs), local authorities, regions, integrated care boards, and England as a whole.

Subscribing organisations can supplement the information with their own area definitions and their own metrics, added via My local metrics.

Category: Characteristics » Use of data and intelligence Data maturity Data maturity » Leadership and strategy Data maturity » Data lifecycle Data maturity » Systems and tools