Entries with tag consultation .

wrote a new blog post
14 Sep 2022 - 16:24
When I was very young, pre school,  I had a best friend who lived across the narrow alleyway behind our house. Every day at some point but usually after breakfast and lunch I would ask my mum to open the gate in the wall at the end of the yard so I could play with Sussie. One day my mum sat me down and in a rather serious voice told me we were moving to a new house, it would be... See more
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25 Mar 2022 - 12:37
The latest example of bullish Senior management thinking is from the Chief Executive of P&O who in a Commons hearing said there was no point in consulting  because ,  “ no Union could accept our proposals”. This is not the first time I have heard a Chief Executive state there is no point in consulting employees because we know they won’t agree but we are doing it any way.... See more
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18 Aug 2020 - 09:33
” Everyone has a plan until they are punched in the mouth.” Mike Tyson was not known for his wit and wisdom but his ferocity. His comment was therefore probably just a statement of the obvious that when it came to the fight whatever cleaver tactics his opponent had in mind they were still going to get hit very hard. Yet the comment is memorable because in life so many carefully... See more
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24 Aug 2015 - 18:30
  The DWP has admitted making up quotes by benefit  claimants. So what we've all don it. The difference is they got caught because their quotes we so unbelievable. The DWP leaflet not only included fake quotes but fake pictures,of fake people, telling fake stories. They were caught out when a journalist asked to interview the Sarah and Sac in the photos about their stories. Faking... See more
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