Entries with tag heath and social care .

wrote a new blog post
14 Jul 2017 - 11:02
    A recent hospital out patient visit with my 88 year old mother in law raised questions about my driving skills and the design of the new hospital wheel chairs. It also made me question whether the hospital wheel chair is a metaphor for modern health and social care,  not intended to be used this way, evidence of the influence of the private sector mor efficient but not... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2016 - 21:39
  Narrow medieval streets packed tight with meandering tourist are not the easiest place to navigate a wheel chair, add hot sun and a deceptive incline and the result is wheel chair rage. The oncoming people traffic can get out of your way but the people in front can't see you coming, abrupt stops to examine brightly coloured objects on a market stall or the sudden desire  to... See more
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