Entries with tag influence .

wrote a new blog post
02 Jan 2024 - 14:52
A 3 body problem- employees, management, customers  Each exert a force which determines the direction and the way an organisation behaves. Like the interaction between the sun, moon and earth. At one time people assumed the sun revolved round the earth and even that the earth was the centre of the universe. Organisation are still debating this relationship. Some have claimed the... See more
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wrote a new blog post
14 Apr 2021 - 06:23
Either because they don’t delegate appropriately or find it too difficult to prioritise but mostly because they attend the wrong meetings. They attend meeting based on whose chairing rather than the agenda. With the result they miss meetings that they really should have attended. The questions they should be asking are can I make a meaningful contribution? Do I need to attend every... See more
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wrote a new blog post
14 Jun 2020 - 15:26
Sometimes you have to play up and sometimes play down your abilities. The scene is a golf club, the context a new manager trying to break into a close knit group of colleagues , the method, pretending he is a novice golfer and letting the leader of the clique  give him tips on how to improve his game, with remarkable successful results!  Getting on and getting things done both... See more
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