Entrées avec l'étiquette management styles .

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26 janv. 2019 - 14:54
There are many exciting films and books about great warriors their stories inspire us. We admire the warrior, their bravery, their resourcefulness, their fighting spirit , their ability to overcome resistance and adversity. True they can be a bit aggressive, impetus, excitable and stubborn. Most of us would like to think we had a little bit of the Warrior in side of us. No one wants to be... Voir plus
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09 mai 2018 - 10:07
Whenever I read management articles about US companies it is clear to me that the way they do things over there is different. Which is a bit of a problem because management  gurus  and business schools encourage us to follow the US example. They love their sports metaphors, and from my perspective they are overly enthusiastic, toe curlingly optimistic and they make excessive use of... Voir plus
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