Entries with tag manipulation .

wrote a new blog post
01 Nov 2018 - 21:59
  A scheming senior manager seeks to undermine a colleague by ringing that person at home the night before an important meeting to say the chair has requested the start time of the meeting be put back an hour. In fact the request was for the meeting to be brought forward an hour. The individual arrives just as the meeting is finishing. They apologise to the chair, who is clearly annoyed,... See more
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wrote a new blog post
12 Jul 2014 - 15:41
How to gain and retain power Better to be feared than loved but ideally not hated The name of the game is manipulation being able to recognise the true motives of other people and using it. Even the most loyal of supporters is expendable Keep the inner circle small She/he who controls the budget controls the organisation.   Blair McPherson author of UnLearing... See more
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