Entries with tag passion .

wrote a new blog post
22 Mar 2016 - 14:15
  Passion is an over used word in local government especially in job interviews. Candidates for management posts are always "passionate" about the service, passionate about empowering staff/ citizens, passionate about choice, passionate about quality, passionate about equality but mostly just passionate. But do you need to be so passionate, is it enough to be a competent... See more
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wrote a new blog post
14 Mar 2016 - 14:18
The struggle to stay true to your professional and personal values. The compromises that undermine your integrity. The fixation on budgets and performance  The gradual desensitisation The loss of faith in human kind due to chairing too many abuse investigations. The realisation that you have become so good at faking passion even you can't tell. The loss of street credibility Being... See more
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