Entries with tag politicans .

wrote a new blog post
18 Sep 2017 - 14:28
You successful make the case for additional resources but instead of the much needed arm chair the board gives you a decorative lamp shade. We are not talking about giving a new look to your old office but one chief executive's description of  how the board dealt with the need to invest in new services as well as make  deep cuts.    You make the business case for... See more
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wrote a new blog post
08 Feb 2017 - 11:56
  Name me one TV cop who isn't a maverick. Wouldn't  we all like to stick two fingers up to senior management on occasions, to follow our professional instincts rather than inflexible procedures , do what we think is right rather than blindly follow instructions, do the job the way it should be done rather than hit arbitrary targets and struggle to stay within an unrealistic... See more
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