Entries with tag pornography .

wrote a new blog post
11 Apr 2020 - 15:04
Are people looking at a lot more pornography during the lockdown  or our providers just assuming they want to? Never mind bored  house wives, it’s sexy students and shameless girls that fill my junk mail inbox. Some commentators have speculated that at the end of lockdown there will be a surge in divorce applications and a baby boom might there not also be a new audience for porn?... See more
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wrote a new blog post
20 Mar 2015 - 11:39
Three Judges are dismissed and one resigns caught viewing pornography on their work lap top.   Does the social media enable staff to share knowledge and experience or share sexists cartoons and racist jokes? The internet opened up a world of information, and  easier access to pornography. Facebook and Twitter allows fiends to share photos and the minutiae of their day, and... See more
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