Delivering Greener, Sustainable and Net Zero Mental Health Care Logo
Delivering Greener, Sustainable and Net Zero Mental Health Care
Grŵp agored | Wedi dechrau - Tachwedd 2023 | Gweithgaredd diwethaf - January
This online community is aimed at supporting mental health providers to deliver greener, more sustainable or net zero mental health care through the sharing of resources, events, training and good practice suggestions. This is to support the implementation of the 'Delivering Greener, More Sustainable and Net Zero Mental Health Care Guidance' developed in collaboration with Greener NHS.

The community is open to anyone involved in providing mental health care.

How to use the Knowledge Hub:

Discussion - Gain insights from the wider online community by posting questions to other members or sharing ideas that your service has implemented.

Library - Access documents and guidance focused on the net zero and sustainability agenda.

Events - Find out more about any net zero or sustainability events that are coming up.

Wiki - Access links to external resources that will help your service in becoming more sustainable.

To gain full access to the group, please register for a Knowledge Hub account and then request to join.