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Government Commercial Function (GCF)
Started - January 2017

Audio Only Knowledge Drop for Contracting Authorities.mp3


Knowledge Drop - audio version

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This knowledge drop series is designed to provide an overview of the Procurement Act 2023 and is aimed at organisational leaders in contracting authorities and those who may oversee functions which include or liaise directly with Commercial and Procurement teams. By the end of this knowledge drop series you will have a greater awareness and understanding of:

  • The key changes between the previous regulations and the Procurement Act
  • The benefits that the Procurement Act will offer
  • How requirements of the Procurement Act extend beyond procurement and commercial teams, and the need to work collaboratively across your organisation.
  • What actions you will need to take and consider to implement the Procurement Act, and
  • What further resources and training are available to support your organisation to drive cultural and behavioural change to exploit the flexibilities of the Procurement Act

For further information on the Procurement Act 2023 learning programme please go to