

Engage your members

Discuss - ask questions, have conversations, discuss solutions to problems, share experiences with group members.

Categorise - organise the discussion to assist your members in actively participating.

Engage - identify your top contributors and @mention them to bring more members into the conversation.

laptop showing chat and thumbs up

Folders, files, glasses, notepad and pen

Add, update and share key content

Library - upload and manage documents, audio and visual content.

Editable documents - real-time collaboration on key document types

Organise - search and folder structures to assist you members in finding relevant content


Manage all your events in one place

Calendar - organise events for your group and add them to the calendar.

Download to calendar - download a file to add to your outlook or google calendar.

Promote your events - push your events to the wider Knowledge Hub and Publically

Stop watch
Brain inside a lightbulb


Crowdsource ideas from your group

Generate - source ideas from member and ‘like' and comment on your favourites to see which are the most popular 

Categorise - organise the ideas into relevant subject area

Manage - amend the status of the ideas generated by the members


Collaborate on web pages together

Create - editable pages to collaborate together on documents, FAQs, signposting lists and much more.

History - view the history and compare versions

Revert - roll back to a previous version

Computer screen showing a book page
Closed book with bookmark showing


Create and organise articles

Articles - create articles that help members follow a common structure.

Navigation - in-built navigation as articles are added

Suggestion - raise suggestions and feedback


Create and display new data types

Create - create new data types and forms

Select - from a number of pre-made dynamic lists

Collect - the data and display in different formats for your members

Clipboard with buildings in the background
Cog with a computer mouse attached


Manage all aspects of the group

Privacy and function - choose the group privacy and the functions that will work for your group

Manage membership - invite, connect, communicate and manage the members of the group

Engage - support your members engagement through different content and activities

Knowledge Hub Logo
Join groups, make connections, discover knowledge.