Data Poverty and the Benefits of Managing Money Online

Events - Wales

Starting 30 May 2024 - 10:00 through to 30 May 2024 - 11:30

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Learn about helping people manage their money online, including some of the main barriers that people face in affording online services.

This session is being delivered by Digital Communities Wales, in collaboration with the Money Guiders Wales Network.

This session is all about helping people manage their money online, including some of the main barriers that people face in accessing and affording online services. During the past 18 months we have seen a huge increase in people being online, through working from home, accessing essential public services and keeping in touch with our families and communities – but not everyone has found it easy.

About this event

This online session will:

  • Explore data poverty, what it is and how to overcome it
  • Help you understand the link between digital exclusion and financial exclusion
  • Provide ways to help people access support and services online in a safe and secure way
  • Share some online tools and resources that you can use with your clients to help them manage their money

We have expert speakers from Digital Communities Wales to help with any questions about the online world, and Money Guiders colleagues from MaPS to help host the discussion and signpost to more learning opportunities. There’s be space to network and connect with others across Wales.

This session will be delivered in English and we are limited to a maximum of 100 guests, so please book at your earliest convenience to avoid disappointment.

This session will be delivered in English with a Welsh Interpreter.


Mae’r sesiwn hon yn trafod helpu pobl i reoli eu harian ar-lein, gan gynnwys rhai o’r prif rwystrau sy’n wynebu pobl wrth gael mynediad at wasanaethau ar-lein a’u defnyddio. Yn ystod y 18 mis diwethaf, rydym wedi gweld cynnydd enfawr yn nifer y bobl ar-lein, oherwydd gweithio gartref, defnyddio gwasanaethau cyhoeddus hanfodol a chadw mewn cysylltiad â’n teuluoedd a chymunedau – ond dyw hynny ddim wedi bod yn hawdd i bawb.

Bydd y sesiwn ar-lein hon yn:

  • Archwilio tlodi data, beth yw hynny a sut i’w oresgyn
  • Helpu i ddeall y cysylltiad rhwng allgau digidol ac allgau ariannol
  • Darparu ffyrdd o helpu pobl i gael mynediad at gymorth a gwasanaethau ar-lein mewn ffordd ddiogel
  • Rhannu rhai adnoddau ac offer digidol y gallwch eu defnyddio gyda’ch cleientiaid er mwyn eu helpu i reoli eu harian

Mae gennym siaradwyr arbenigol o Cymunedau Digidol Cymru i helpu gydag unrhyw gwestiynau am y byd ar-lein, a chydweithwyr Arweinwyr Ariannol o MaPS i helpu i gynnal y drafodaeth a’n cyfeirio at fwy o gyfleoedd dysgu. Bydd lle i rwydweithio a chysylltu ag eraill ledled Cymru.

Bydd y sesiwn hon yn cael ei chyflwyno yn Gymraeg ac rydym wedi’n cyfyngu i uchafswm o 100 o westeion, felly archebwch cyn gynted â phosibl i osgoi cael eich siomi.

Bydd y sesiwn hon drwy gyfrwng y Saesneg gyda Chyfieithydd ar y pryd.

Register for this event

To register your place at this event, use the button below. This will take you to a registration page outside the network.

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