Working sensitively with vulnerable people (in MG)

Events - England

Starting 18 Jun 2024 - 10:30 through to 18 Jun 2024 - 12:30

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REGISTER FOR FREE HERE:  Working sensitively with vulnerable people (in money guidance)

What is the event about?

People formally or otherwise in money guidance roles find that the circumstances of the people they help with money issues can vary enormously. Sometimes understanding why talking about money may be hard for someone, how it might affect their ability to learn about money, and how we can sensitively take a step back to build a rapport can have a huge impact on that person’s ability to receive, understand and act upon money guidance. At this event we will explore how to successfully take that step back.

Who should attend?

Anyone who gives any kind of money guidance where people they assist present with any complexity or challenge in their background or circumstances

What will the session cover?

· An introduction to the Made of Money team at QSA

· Introduction to trauma-informed practice

· Understanding the context of your conversations with vulnerable clients

· Learning about theory that might help identify a client’s vulnerabilities and their capacity to handle conversations around money

· Putting theory into practice in a safer context

· Other support for you as a practitioner

About the organization

The Made of Money team at Quaker Social Action specialises in financial wellbeing support for individuals and families in a wide range of circumstances and situations. This workshop arose out of their Money Springboard project working primarily with care leavers.


Carrie Comfort and Alison Seddon, Made of Money team, Quaker Social Action

Jez and Lucille from Money Guiders England Network will be your hosts.

What areas of the Competency framework apply?

Various elements of the Money Guiders Competency Framework are relevant. However, we particularly draw your attention to

Personal Qualities and Attributes

A6 Rapport building

A key aspect of providing money guidance well is having an ability to empathise with a customers’ situation and gauging their current level of confidence and ability to manage their money. Practitioners who work face to face with customers should understand the importance of non-verbal communication, such as body language, and how different cultures use and interpret body language in different ways. Practitioners should have an understanding of the importance of building trust and rapport with others, and methods for achieving this in different situations (e.g. over the phone, individuals and in groups) and for a range of people, including customers with challenging behaviours.

Transferable Skills

B6 Communication

B7 Working with others



Register for this event

To register your place at this event, use the button below. This will take you to a registration page outside the network.

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