Money Planning for Independent Living

Events - England

Starting 16 Jul 2024 - 10:30 through to 16 Jul 2024 - 12:30

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Introduction to the Made of Money team at Quaker Social Action

The Made of Money (MoM) team at Quaker Social Action specialises in financial wellbeing support for individuals and families in a wide range of circumstances and situations. This workshop arises out of their Money Springboard project working primarily with money guiders supporting young people in care and care leavers.

What is the event about?

MoM has worked with care experienced young people to co-create resources & training for practitioners supporting care leavers in the process of becoming financially independent. Many money guiders will work with clients who will be making new starts for different reasons, leaving a supported environment for a new living situation. As well as people living independently for the first time, others might be returning to such a situation and could include (but aren’t restricted to) people leaving hospital, prison or a relationship involving abuse and/or violence. Come and explore how this approach might support you and your clients.

Who should attend?

Anyone who gives any kind of money guidance where people they assist do or might present as starting out in independent living for any reason, background or circumstances

What will the session cover?

· An introduction to the Made of Money team at QSA

· Introduction to independent living

· Talking to clients about planning with money

· Budgeting tools and why start with simplicity

· Clients using their money to make a place a home

· A budget as a tool to support clients’ lives.

· Issues around borrowing

· Planning for the future


Carrie Comfort and Alison Seddon, Made of Money team, Quaker Social Action

Hosts: Lucille from Money Guiders England Network

What areas of the Competency framework apply?

Technical Domains

10 Households including awareness of costs involved in renting, other costs and typical bills, renting, ways to save energy around the house, reading common bills, signposting and more

1 Knowing Your Customer including asking questions to determine complexity and need, awareness of life events that can affect an individual’s circumstances and more


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