Climate Change Impacts on the Historic Environment

Events - Public

Starting 04 May 2018 - 09:00 through to 04 May 2018 - 17:00

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Our rescheduled ‘Climate Change Impacts on the Historic Environment’ Seminar will now take place on Friday 4th May at The Engine Shed in Stirling. We were nearing capacity for the original event, that had to be postponed due to poor weather, so I would encourage those who would like to attend to register as soon as possible. Please feel free to share this invitation with any other colleagues you think may be interested – would be good to see you there!

Additional Information:

This one day seminar will bring together heritage focused projects and organisations from across the United Kingdom to showcase a range of different methods used in the sector to identify and assess climate change risk. Highlights from the seminar include an overview of Historic Environment Scotland’s recently published Climate Change Risk Assessment and an introduction to Historic England’s recently commissioned Coastal Risk and Priority Places project.

Who is this For:

This seminar is for professionals and enthusiasts alike. Those new to this topic will gain an invaluable introduction to assessing climate change risk in the historic environment, with wide applications to other sectors. There is particular relevance for those who look after and manage estates that contain historic buildings. Delegates already familiar with this work will benefit from hearing from their peers in this growing area of research, with ample opportunity for networking.

Confirmed Speakers:

Historic England – Hannah Fluck

The Ministry of Defence – Begonia Pedreira-Regueira

The National Trust – Keith Jones

CHERISH – Anthony Corns

National Trust for Scotland – Brian Dickson

Adaptation Scotland – Dr Joseph Hagg

Historic Environment Scotland – Dr Mairi Davies

LUC (Land-use Consultants) – Steven Orr

Alex Hill - The Met Office's former Chief Advisor to the Scottish Government.

Please note: Teas, coffees and lunch will be included.


The Engine Shed
Forthside Way
United Kingdom

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