Impact of COVID-19 on Musculoskeletal Health and Mental Wellbeing

Events - Public

Starting 20 May 2020 - 12:00 through to 20 May 2020 - 13:00

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About the webinar

This webinar is an opportunity to raise awareness of how we can promote good Musculoskeletal (MSK) Health, highlight the association between MSK and mental health conditions to offer support and prioritise health and wellbeing during and after this pandemic the benefits of positive mental and musculoskeletal health are wide ranging and significant for individuals and society

The pain and disability from a musculoskeletal condition can cause a person to feel depressed and anxious, there is evidence that in some people with mental health conditions they are at a greater risk of developing MSK conditions. Equally, living with a painful condition can lead to anxiety and depression, and depression is 4 times more common among people in persistent pain compared with those without pain.

During the current COVID-19 pandemic we have experienced a huge disruption to the way we live, work and socialise. This will impact people in different ways, with some short term and long-term implications, for those with an existing MSK and mental health condition as well as people who have risks of developing these.

Audience : Public Health, NHS, Wider PH Workforce, Academia, Third Sector, and Employers  

    The topics to be covered in the webinar will be

  • Achieving good MSK Health and Mental wellbeing: Prevention and early detection, highlighting the association between the two conditions
  • What is the early data indicating? The experiences of people, risks and health implications
  • Support for people with MSK conditions in the current pandemic- Impact on people’s health and wellbeing
  • Collaboration and best Practice- short-term and long-term planning and sharing of good practice
  • Raise awareness of MSK and Mental Health resources and tools available

Webinar Programme 

  • Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar – Nuzhat Ali, National Lead for MSK Health, PHE (5 minutes)
  • Research and Evidence of connection between MSK and MH (Title TBC) – Dr Brendon Stubbs, King’s College London (15 Minutes)
  • Interventions and Support to promote good MSK Health and Mental Wellbeing (Title TBC): Helen Garnham, Public Health England (15 minutes)
  • Case Study Speaker - (5-7 minutes) 
  • Q & A Session (10 minutes)  


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