Bringing my whole self to project delivery

Events - Public

Starting 14 Jul 2020 - 12:30 through to 14 Jul 2020 - 13:30

My journey to Chartered Project Professional (ChPP).

This webinar is an opportunity to hear a candid career journey from a black, female project professional. It will explore strengths and weaknesses, and how these have been leveraged to overcome challenges and create achievements. It will also include frustrations and hopes for the profession and views on the changes needed to support a new generation of project professionals.

The session will also seek to answer the following questions through insights and experiences:

  • Being a BAME professional in projects – what does that mean to you?
  • What have been the hurdles for you to overcome in your career?
  • Role models/inspirations.
  • Reasons for going for Chartered.
  • Benefit/recognition to you in and out of Arup of holding ChPP.

For more information and to book please visit the APM events page.

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