Fears, desires and threats in changing situations webinar

Events - Public

Starting 06 Aug 2020 - 12:30 through to 06 Aug 2020 - 13:30

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Applied Influence Group learnt what they know about influence on high stakes military intelligence operations. During that time they codified an approach to influence which they have been taking to a wide variety of clients for the last four years.

Internal motivations change when we feel threatened and the current COVID-19 situation has created a wide variety of new threats at both the business and personal level.

Being the person who can remove a threat increases your chances of achieving your influence objectives.
Whether it's dealing with a client you have had to let down, or persuading someone to continue with a project they have committed to, your influence messaging will need to adapt rapidly.

At the end of this Special Briefing you'll be able to: tailor influence messaging to an individual using of our fears and desires model, to increase your persuasiveness.



For more information and to book please visit the APM webinar page.

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