Leadership in Licensing

Events - Public

Starting 07 Nov 2013 - 10:00 through to 07 Nov 2013 - 14:31

Created by

Free regional events for councillors

Examples will be drawn from licensing pubs and clubs, taxis, and street trading but the principles will apply to all forms of licensing; including that for gambling, scrap metal dealers, and discretionary activities such as tattooists and sunbeds.

Delegates will have access to a range of councillor handbooks, case studies and the new LGA e-training module on regulation throughout the day. LGA staff will also be on hand to answer questions and provide advice.


See here for a detailed agenda.
10:35– A shifting emphasis – making the links to public health, community safety and economic growth

10:50 – Making decisions under increasing scrutiny

11:10 – Back to basics – re visiting the role of licensing committees, officers, interested parties and others

11:30 – Leading from the front to set out the local strategy and priorities for your community

12:00 – An indepth look at the role of committee members

12:30 – Lunch and networking

13:00 – Practical exercises

14:00 – Other measures – working with industry

14:20 – Final discussion and any points for the LGA to take away

14:30 – Meeting close

Booking information

To book your place, please visit http://www.local.gov.uk/web/guest/events/-/journal_content/56/10171/4096761/EVENT-TEMPLATE

There is the opportunity to add additional afternoon sessions, such as EMROs / late night levy, health related issues or new scrap metal dealer licensing, according to local demand. Please e-mail Stephen.service@local.gov.uk to make suggestions.
