Exploring the offence of sales to drunken persons

Events - Public

Starting 16 Jun 2014 - 14:00 through to 16 Jun 2014 - 17:31

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Section 141 of the 2003 Licensing Act prohibits the sale of alcohol to a drunken person. However, it is one of the most uncommonly prosecuted offences, raising questions over the level of recognition of the offence and difficulties for trade practice or enforcement.

Could further awareness, enforcement or reconsideration of section 141 be an opportunity for reducing alcohol-related crime and disorder? This workshop event aims to explore the key issues relating to section 141 and identify supply, enforcement and policy options for the future.

Why should I attend?

We are inviting key stakeholders and experts from trade, regulatory and enforcement authorities, policymaking, and academia to identify the challenges around section 141 and to consider the way forward in this critical area.

Brief keynote presentations will be followed by facilitated discussions exploring supply-side challenges, issues in enforcement, and opportunities for policy development. This event is intended to initiate new thinking on this issue, and will lead to a briefing paper with a view to further activities.

The event is being organised by the Alcohol Academy, together with Alcohol Research UK and the London Drug and Alcohol Policy Forum.


If you are interested in attending please email Cath@alcoholacademy.net to register your place.

