Food for thought: Joint approaches to healthy eating and hygienic food

Events - Public

Starting 26 Jun 2014 - 11:00 through to 26 Jun 2014 - 17:01

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Why you should attend

Trans-fats, salt, sugar, horses – if we are what we eat, how worried should we be? With the return of public health responsibilities to local government, councils' food responsibilities now stretch right the way across the food chain, from ensuring food safety and hygiene and the integrity of composition and labelling, through to the broader strategic goals of helping people to lead healthy lives and reducing obesity.

Councils' food work encompasses many different teams, including public health, environmental health and trading standards, and reaches out to different stakeholders, including consumers, producers and retailers. In short, councils have been tasked with creating the right conditions for people to make healthy choices. But what does that mean in practice?


To be confirmed


Confirmed speakers include:

  • Andrew Opie, Head of Food Policy, British Retail Consortium
  • Professor Kevin Fenton, Director of Health and Wellbeing, Public Health England (PHE)
  • Professor Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy, City University London
  • Julia Hall, West Yorkshire Trading Standards
  • Mark Luxton, Business and Consumer Support, Cornwall Council
  • Dr Amelia Lake, Lecturer, Knowledge Exchange in Public Health, Durham University


Who should attend

  • Portfolio holders for health and wellbeing
  • Portfolio holders for community safety
  • Directors of Public Health
  • Heads of Environmental Services/Trading Standards
  • Environmental Health Officers
  • Trading Standards Officers
  • Chairs and Members of Health and Wellbeing Boards
  • Members of Clinical Commissioning Groups

How to book

Further information

For further information or any other queries, including sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please contact:

The events team
Telephone: 020 7664 3131
