BIM4IUK Free Seminar

Events - Public

Starting 20 May 2014 - 17:00 through to 20 May 2014 - 19:31

BIM4IUK Free Seminar 20th May, London

Flooding, drainage, approval, asset management and SABs

Once schedule 3 of the Flood and Water management Act is implemented all works affecting drainage are subject to approval by the newly formed SuDS Approval Bodies (SABs) and then most will be adopted by the SAB or Highway Authority.

BIM is a fantastic opportunity and prime example of how the new mandatory sustainable drainage systems can be efficiently and cost effectively managed through scheme appraisal, detailed design, approval, construction and long term maintenance.

Who should attend?

  • Anyone involved in planning, designing, approving or adopting external works.
  • Planners, Developers, Highway Authorities, EA, Local Authorities (SABs and Planners).
  • Venue – Ergon House, Horseferry Road, Westminster, SW1P 2AL – see attached link to map
  • Please Register Your Request to Attend with EventBright – HERE
  • Numbers are limited to 30, if there is sufficient interest the event will be repeated at other venues.
  • For more information Click Here.
