Integration Transformation Fund (ITF), DFGs and Independent Living

Events - Public

Starting 05 Dec 2013 - 10:00 through to 05 Dec 2013 - 15:01

Less than 4 weeks away, reserve your place now!
Although ITF will only come into full effect in 2015/2016, localities are required to submit their plans by the end of February 2014 to ensure local priorities are met.
This means
• The big decisions will be made in your local area in the next 6 months.
• ITF will start to transform the commissioning landscape in the next 18 months.
• It will require a new understanding between Health, ASC and Housing.
• It will seek to establish truly Integrated Services.
What our seminars will cover
We will have speakers from DH, DCLG and local area commissioners, to help you to:
• Understand the changes which lay ahead - both opportunities and possible threats.
• Align your service offers to better meet the objectives of the new funding regime.
• Work with your local housing partners to ensure the housing support issues are recognised within the local priorities for the ITF.
Content of the day
AM sesssion
• Overview from Foundations
• Speaker from DCLG explaining how the funding for DFGs (iwhich will be included the ITF) will reach housing authorities
• Speaker from DH discussing how housing issues will figure within the ITF remit, what the overarching aims of the ITF are, how progress will be measured and monitored centrally.
• A leading local ITF commissioner will explain how the consultation process works and set out how far they have got in setting their local objectives for the ITF and how they intend to include the housing sector (and HIAs) in their local spending priorities.
• Q&A session
PM session
• An interactive session for delegates to work with each other on mapping their concerns and how best to meet the challenges and opportunities ITF will present.
We want to make these sessions as interactive as possible - the seating will be cabaret-style, so numbers are limited for each seminar and priced at £75 (plus VAT) per attendee.
