Regional event in Leeds on Police and Crime Panels

Events - Public

Starting 09 Jul 2013 - 11:30 through to 09 Jul 2013 - 17:01

Following the LGA conference on 21 March the above will provide similar excellent opportunities for panel members and officers supporting panels to:

• network and swap experience on the activity of panels so far, and
• reflect on their role during the rest of 2013 and beyond. 

Although this Regional conference has been arranged with members and colleagues particularly in the North of England in mind, others would also be very welcome to attend.  A draft agenda and details of how to book will be added to this website in the near future, for the moment if you are interested please please mark out Tuesday 9th July in your diaries.

The programme for the day is likely to be similar to the event that the LGA held on the 21st March – however the afternoon is likely to focus particularly on training and discussion on effective delivering effective scrutiny.



