The Science and Regulation behind Fracking

Events - Public

Starting 24 Mar 2014 - 09:15 through to 24 Mar 2014 - 16:01

Environmental Protection Scotland [EPS] are hosting an event on the science and regulation behind hydraulic fracturing and shale gas exploitation.

The United States has seen an increase in the natural gas extracted from unconventional sources such as shale.  This has led to increased employment and lower gas prices.  Critics argue that ‘fracking’ has caused poor air quality, groundwater contamination and an increase in noise and vibration.

 With the UK Government’s recent announcement that local authorities can benefit from financial incentives for extraction in their areas, fracking has again made the headlines.  However, local opposition may not allow fracking to take place.

This one day seminar looks at the science and regulation behind hydraulic fracturing, looks at Scotland’s shale gas resource, hears what lessons we should learn from the States as well as looking at the environmental impacts.

Event programme and booking:

