Stalled Spaces Scotland: Call for expressions of interest

Events - Public

Starting 23 Jul 2014 - 14:45 through to 23 Jul 2014 - 23:58

Opportunity to get invovled in the following project...

Stalled Spaces Scotland

Helping Local Authorities and Communities to Bring Vacant Land Back into Temporary Use.

Architecture and Design Scotland (A+DS) would like to invite Local Authorities across Scotland to take part in Stalled Spaces Scotland, a Legacy 2014 programme aimed at supporting local authorities and communities to bring derelict and vacant land back in to temporary use to benefit communities and enhance town centres.

At this stage we are inviting expressions of interest from local authorities, we would like to hear from you by 15 August 2014. This will allow us to plan the location of forthcoming information surgeries to support the application process.

It is a great opportunity to learn from the award winning Stalled Spaces initiative led by Glasgow City Council. We will welcome innovative ideas and will be providing support to local authorities who will run the day to day delivery of their locally based Stalled Spaces initiative.

To align with the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Action Plan and the Town Centre First Principle the programme will primarily look at stalled spaces located within town centres to empower people to bring these spaces back into positive use for the benefit for the whole community.

The project is funded by the Scottish Government and forms part of the Legacy 2014 programme aimed at creating a long-term legacy from the Glasgow Commonwealth Games for all of Scotland’s people.

Find out more about participating in the project here. If you have any questions after reading the information please get in touch.

Emma Halliday 

0141 204 7911 

